Molly Burdett wins Gold at British Arrows

April 22nd, 2022

We’re all immensely proud of Molly Burdett who took home the top award in the Young Emerging Talent category, with her beautiful and heartbreaking debut commercial ‘Respite’ for Women’s Aid. The film was a labour of love and collaboration between Engine London, No.8 and us. Big thanks to all the great people who came together to make it.

Molly brings passion, craft & real storytelling to everything she makes and we’re over the moon for her. She deserves everything that comes to her!

Watch ‘Respite’ Here


Milo Blake wins at Kinsale Sharks

March 22nd, 2022

Huge congratulations to Milo Blake for winning at Kinsale Sharks with his promo for Lava La Rue ‘Magpie’.

‘Magpie’ is a celebration of London sub-cultures, and was awarded in the Best Music Video For Low Budget <£10K international category. We’re super proud of Milo and everyone involved.

Watch Magpie here


Lou Gagen and Emily Jordan-Wilson join the Spindle team

January 27th, 2022

Spindle welcomes Lou Gagen & Emily Jordan-Wilson to the team, joining as Executive Producer and Head of New Business respectively. 

With a strong desire to find and nurture the best directors working today, and Fifteen years of experience in film production, Lou will work closely with Emily to head up the commercials division at Spindle continuing to build on the brilliant output of 2021.

Emily joins from Stink films, where she headed up sales in their commercials division. It’s clear that she wants to make not only great creative work but to produce films in a way that aligns with Spindle’s values and ethos. Emily will be key to finding opportunities for our growing roster of directors. We’re super excited about the year ahead!

Both Lou and Emily’s knowledge, enthusiasm and extensive span of experience marries with Spindle’s vision and ambitions perfectly.

PromoNews Best of 2021

January 12th, 2022

Big well done to Molly Burdett and Milo Blake for being featured in the PromoNews Best Music Videos of 2021 lists.

Molly’s film ‘Hope’ for Arlo Parks was featured in the Pop and R&B list. Starring Bafta-winning actor Molly Windsor and shot by Oscar-nominated cinematographer Robbie Ryan, Hope is a tender portrait of youth that explores the highs and lows of adolescence, loneliness and friendship.

Milo’s promo for prxz, ‘Child In Red’, was featured in Hip-hop, Rap and Grime. In this stark and visually-striking film, Milo creates an abstract and unsettling dystopia to compliment PRXZ’s first release from his upcoming self-titled debut.

Click here to see the full lists

Watch Arlo Parks ‘Hope’ here

Watch prxz ‘Child in Red’ here

Molly Burdett wins Gold at 1.4 Awards

December 14th, 2021

Our incredible filmmaker Molly picked up Gold at the 1.4 Awards with her beautiful and heartbreaking debut commercial for Women’s Aid.

Molly’s ‘Respite’ was awarded in the commercial ‘on the cusp’ category. A year has gone past since we made this. We hope in the last year that it’s helped in some part to raise awareness for people all over the UK who suffer from domestic abuse and coercive control to seek help and break free.

Huge thank you to everyone involved

Spindle up for five 1.4 Awards

December 2nd, 2021

Congratulations are in order for Greg Hackett, Molly Burdett, The Coyle-Larner Brothers & Patrick Fileti who have been nominated for this year’s 1.4 awards.

Greg Hackett’s film for Timberland is in the Planet Positive – Flying High category.

Molly Burdett’s charity film for Women’s Aid and her promo for Arlo Parks were both long-listed in the On the Cusp Commercial & Music Video categories.

The Coyle-Larner Brothers were nominated for their Fifa 21 spot in the On the Cusp Commercial category.

And finally Patrick Fileti’s spot for Google is in the Flying High Commercial category.

Well done to everyone nominated!

Spindle welcomes Silence

November 17th, 2021

Silence cuts through the noise with a perfect blend of style and substance.Her raw energy, playful warmth and eye for detail shine through in her work, to become an extension of her films’ vibrant visual language.The London based film director has joined the Spindle family for representation in the UK.

View Silences reel here



Robert Wilkins joins Spindle!

October 29th, 2021

Spindle welcomes award winning director Robert Wilkins. Formerly one half of duo Wilkins & Maguire, Robert has made a name for himself through his heartfelt, cinematic storytelling; all packed with an emotional spark. He has a passion for crafting profound universal stories out of everyday struggles and a gift for capturing honest, compelling performances for brands such as Guinness, Esso, Marie Claire, Waitrose and Tesco to name a few.

View Robert’s work here

Spindle directors shortlisted for three UKMVAs

September 30th, 2021

We’re super happy to say that we’re up for three UKMVAs this year. Congratulations to everyone involved!

Best Pop Video | Arlo Parks ‘Hope’ by Molly Burdett

Best Production Design In A Video | Loyle Carner ‘Yesterday’ by The Coyle-Larner Brothers

Best Alternative Video | Lava La Rue ‘Magpie’ by Milo Blake.

Also, big love to our wonderful rep Claire Stubbs (Mouthpiece), who is also up for Best Agent.

Milo Blake joins Spindle roster for UK representation

September 30th, 2021

Technically-savvy and creatively bold, Milo’s emotionally visceral imagery blends modern storytelling with bursts of hyper-reality. His promos have been featured at SXSW, the UKMVA’S, Shiny Awards, and many other festivals. His recent music video for Lava La Rue ‘Magpie’ has been nominated at this year’s UKMVA in the Best Alternative Video category.

Milo, now in his mid-twenties and based in London, grew up in a family of story-tellers and his childhood was filled with eclectic forms of creation. Early collaborations with local musicians had a domino effect that quickly led to bigger opportunities for a range of artists, and he’s now making a name for himself as one of the UK’s most exciting new promo directors.

Watch Milo’s work here.